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About Us

Modern Design
Who WE Are

Developers With Professional Team

  • Automotive Engineer for 15 Years
  • Real Estate Investor for 10 Years
  • Licensed Builder
  • Started RIVAHAUS to build engineered homes
  • Partnered with HOUM in 2022
Vision & Mision

Building the homes of the future

Mission Statement

"Our mission at RIVAHAUS is to provide quality and affordable housebuilding solutions that meet the unique needs and preferences of our clients. We strive to exceed expectations by delivering exceptional customer service, innovative designs, and sustainable building practices."

Vision Statement

"At RIVAHAUS, our goal is to offer buyers the most unique and stellar homes, available in the market. We streamline the building process to make it easier for you to build your dream home today."

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What We Can Build

How we currently build houses

There is a lack of modern, efficient, affordable new housing in America.
Building a house does not have to be archaic.

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